

5 Lights


Like a cup is conceived to drink coffee, and a glass to have wine, so does a lamp, which exists to light up spaces, within contexts and purposes each time different: to work, relax, connect, for example.

With 5 lights, the young Japanese start-up quantum rethinks lighting through five lamps with a sophisticated design and extreme versatility: Flag, a rechargeable table lamp that can be lengthened and shortened if necessary, thus modifying the projection of the shadow, a ductile and convenient object for those who, for example, work from home; Cut, a modular ambient lighting system that can be hung, leaned or stretched as if it were a fabric or a piece of paper, so that its function is not immediately recognizable; Paper Plane, a movable object whose beam of light changes according to the wind and the atmosphere; Route, a wall lamp that resembles a hanging clock, simple to install and diffuse; finally, Sun, portable and lightweight, recharged with sunlight,when it senses a certain degree of darkness, it illuminates itself.

